End of the Year: In Pictures

The school year has ended and I have some pictures of things we did the last few weeks of school.  I have not been good about posting pictures, so hopefully this will make up for it.  I finally got around to getting the pictures off the camera.  So here they are for you to enjoy!

Greater Than, Less Than, or Equal To Game



Sentence Man---Love this activity!  Next year I want to start with this.

Kinder Mornng Work {FREEBIE}

I just wanted to share something I am working on for next year.  I create these items with the intention to use them as spiraling and assessment samples.  This allows me to track several different skills on one sheet.  Since the skills are addressed several times, I can look for understanding and guide my instruction.
You may be asking why I post several different grade level skills.  The answer is that I teach many different grade levels, so I am always looking for ways to meet the many needs of the different level of students I work with.
Please leave feedback and let me know if you find these as helpful as I do!

It's Here!

Some people have seen the sample on TPT and have been waiting ever so nicely for the whole thing.  Well, I am here to tell you that it is done!  Well, most of it anyway.  It depends how many weeks you need.  I am talking about my 1st Grade Common Core Weekly Homework Pack!  I have uploaded the first 40 weeks.  They are in packages of 10 weeks.  You can check out the first 10 weeks here.  I have uploaded the rest of the weeks so that you can determine how many weeks you need.  My plan is to finish with 50 weeks.  I have 40 weeks up already.  While I do not teach at a year-round school, I know people do and would like more weeks.  I also considered that some parents want extra practice. 
I do need to say that I have included several skills many different times throughout the packs.  These are the skills my students seem to need the most work and practice with.  If you have a need of a skill you would like to see more of, please feel free to let me know and I can work something up for you!
As always, please leave feedback.  I enjoy reading your comments and it allows me to provide better items to meet your needs as well as mine.
Happy planning for next year!!

Happy Mother's Day!

Ok, so my post has nothing to do with Mother's Day, but I do want to wish all the moms out there a great day! 

Anyway, I am doing a quick post to let you know that I have posted a FREEBIE on TPT.  You can grab my CVC Picture Words {K.RF.2d} FREE!

Two more weeks until schools out!

Out Sick!

I have been out sick, and it sucks!  I want to be back at work.  I miss my job!!  And of course I am worried about my students!  Anyway, as I start to feel a little better and can actually keep my eyes open, I have started checking my work email and trying to plan for the next week.
I am also working on another Common Core Pack.  This time for 1st grade math.  I have about five pages done already, but I want to add more.  I will of course post it on TPT for everyone when it is done.
We have less than 15 days left!  How many do you have left?
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