'Tis the Season

I just wanted to check in and see how everyone's Thanksgiving went?  I hosted this year, and I think it was a big success.  Have you started your holiday shopping?

A great place to start is on Teachers Pay Teachers!  And if you haven't started your own shop, you totally need to.  Share your best resources with other teacher.  Here is a link to get you started.

I also wanted to tell you about a new Christmas Review Pack I have posted.  Use this 7 page packet as a review of basic skills over the holiday break. Students will be able to continue writing and putting words in ABC order. Also included is a color-by-number and a holiday word search.

I created it to help encourage some learning over break.  I also encouraging reading over the break.  It saddens me when students come back and have not even read with their family over break.  I hope these fun activities are things they can work on together.

The countdown is on....25 more days until Christmas!

It's Almost Here!

I am not sure if I am referring to Thanksgiving or Black Friday.  Here are a few pictures of some things we have been working on this week and last.

Here is what my kindergarteners did for number recognition practice.  You can get a copy of it here!

I was getting tired of the kids focusing on spelling all the time and not getting their ideas on the paper.  So, I put a prompt on the paper and we brainstormed words we might need for our writing.   drew a picture next to each word so that students could easily find it.  To give them some ideas, we read the book Thanks for Thanksgiving.

Last week, or was it two weeks ago already, we made a general chart of words we might need for the whole month.  I really like this idea for each month because I find the kids using it and not asking me how to spell everything.  With it, I have noticed their writing improve.

Happy writing!

A Short Post

Today is my last day of Fall Break!  Oh how I love my job, but it has been very nice to have a week off.  I cannot wait for the next day off.  I could totally get used to not going to work, but knowing me,  would be ready to go back fairly quickly.  And I would be working on stuff for the classroom anyway.

I am back to work tomorrow until the two days we get off for Thanksgiving.  I do have to say that I love this time of the year.  Do you have any special plans coming up in your classroom?
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