Ok blogger friends! I have to share this great resource that I found on TPT. It is called February Multiplication Mystery Pictures by Teaching in The 208. We needed some extra multiplication fact practice, and flashcards are boring, but who doesn't love coloring!? So that is exactly what we did.
Basically, you give students these grids with multiplication facts on them and the students have to solve the facts and color according to the code. There are three different levels for each mystery picture. So you can differentiate the multiplication facts! Since my third graders are expected to know their facts all the way through the 12s, we did the higher level one. My kiddos that needed help, used manipulatives to solve the higher math facts.
I made my students write the products in the boxes before they could color, so I knew they were actually solving and not guessing.
Look at all the fact practice! In fact, there are 225 facts on a page. So, it did take my students some time to finish it, but they had fun doing it. The pack includes 5 different pictures with three levels each, so you are really getting 15 pages of multiplication facts! Totally worth it in my opinion. I have already printed another one that I am going to put in for a center one week. We did this one today because I wanted them to have it done in time for Valentine's Day so we could hang them up.
Can you figure out what it says? You can grab this fun {HERE}. If you like the February pack, she has other months available as well!
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