Holiday Baking

I know my last post was about eating healthy, but I did do some holiday baking this season and I wanted to share.

I was going to be good and stick with the healthy eating.  Besides, having everything prepped, made it super easy to stick to it and I got to sleep a few minutes earlier.  I found that I was either getting up earlier to get my meals ready, or I was grabbing something I really shouldn't have been eating in the first place.

I digress...Onto my holiday baking.  Those of you that know me, know that I love to bake.  If I was not in education, I would probably own my own bakery.

This year I was not in the mood for a really sweet cookie.  I didn't even make gingerbread cookies this year.  But then we had a cookie exchange at work and the baker in me had to join in.

So I played around with some shortbread cookies.  Which, by the way, are really good with coffee or tea because they are not too sweet.  I ended up making shortbread cookies that I shaped into little snowmen and then dipped them in chocolate.

But once I started baking, I was in the mood.  So then I made Russian Tea Cakes, which most people refer to a Mexican Wedding Cookies.

Both recipes were super easy.  I put them in clear party bags.  Then I drew the faces and buttons on to make them look like little snowmen.  They were a big hit and again, they were super easy.

I also got some great recipes in exchange.  But  I have to share my favorite one.  Remember how I didn't make gingerbread cookies this year?  Well one of the cookies that was exchanged was like a lighter, chewier version of a gingerbread cookie.  It was fabulous and it will be my new go to for years to come.  You can find the recipe here.  This is not my recipe and I do not take credit for it in any way.  One thing that I will add is that you can make these decretive by dipping them in white chocolate and adding any decorations you like.  Let me know what kind of baking you did this holiday season!

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