When Do You Go Back?

I go back to work on January 8th.  So I have one more week of "free time."  This makes me really excited.  The hubby is back to work and it is just a week for me!

I went to the mall today.  It was crazy.  You would think that they were giving away free stuff.  That's how busy it was.  I never go to the mall, especially this time of year, but I saw all the sales, and I couldn't help myself.  Not that I bought anything exciting, but I love to people watch.

Do you ever stop and people watch?  I had not seen the mall this crazy in years!  I love to go into Dillard's.  They have really good sales.  Today, their sales were so crazy, that they had police and security guards there in the handbag and shoe departments.  If you wanted to shop those sections, you had to stand in line.  They literally had it blocked off and were limiting the number of people in at a time.

I get it.  People go crazy over great deals.  So, out of curiosity, I stood in line to see what the big deal was.  Once I got in, the shelves were picked over and the styles I like, were not included in the sales.  I couldn't even get help, it was so busy.  I was not upset though.  I really shouldn't be buying a new handbag right now anyway!  But, I did enjoy looking at them.

I did go to the clothing section too and found two shirts on clearance.  I spent a whooping $12.00 for two shirts!  Didn't I say that Dillard's has good sales!?  I would never buy something there at full price, but when they have sales, they are steals!  You do have to be patient and sometimes you have to sift through, but you get a good deal and good quality.

Where do you love to shop and what is your weakness to shop for?

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