My Caffeine-Free Journey

A few posts ago, I mentioned that I had gone caffeine-free.  I started this in August of 2017.  I was never a huge caffeine drinker in the first place, so that made this a lot easier.  I was one of those people who enjoyed a cup of coffee or tea in the morning (which, technically, I think it was more than a cup) and a Diet Coke in the afternoon.  I also liked to order pop (Chicago girl here) whenever we were out at a restaurant.

I decided to stop drinking caffeine "cold-turkey."  I was fine the first day or so and then I would start to crave it.  I replaced my morning drink with caffeine-free tea.  I already had my Keurig, so I was going to continue to use it.  I had not found the K-Cup I wanted yet, so I was just brewing hot water and putting the tea bag it.  It worked just fine.

Then I found these!  If you are into hot apple cider, you have to try these!  I know this is technically not tea, it made me feel all warm inside.  My biggest issue with this transition has been the craving of the Diet Coke in the afternoon.  I need, or thought I needed that afternoon pick me up.  Some people drink coffee all day.  I could live off of Diet Coke.  But, I decided I was going to change and I stuck with it.  Rarely, I will have a caffeine-Free Diet Coke, but again, that is very rare!

It is kind of funny, because as I write this post, I have a headache.  I don't think it is related to not having caffeine, but it seems a little ironic.

People ask me why I started this journey when the school year started, but without getting into too much detail, it seemed like a good time as any.  If I was busy working, I wouldn't be thinking about it.  That actually made it a lot easier.

How much caffeine do you drink each day?  Do you have a favorite K-Cup?

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